Here is a curated list of recent public presentations I have done.Have you ever wondered if we are living in a machine-generated simulation? How would we know? I think cybersecurity might have some answers.
My thoughts on how we might apply cybersecurity to artificial intelligence, including containment of artificial general intelligence in the future.
My BSidesRDU 2022 presentation on port knocking and the open source tool I co-created called Kommen.
My BSidesRDU 2021 presentation on detecting honeypots with methodology and quantitative results.
I use arXiv to quickly disseminate new research, especially when I don't want to wait on traditional publication processes.
I hold the spirit of academic research dear to my heart. Thus, I have invested significant effort into the work over the past 10+ years.
As much as I enjoy conducting research and writing papers, conference talks based on papers are the pinnacle for me.